
I'm going to be doing a lot of end of the year lists, and I will try to keep them all interesting. This time around I will be listing the five most overrated and underrated films of 2010. For a film to be underrated, it must be certified "rotten" on Rotten Tomatoes. For a film to be overrated, it must be certified "fresh." There are obviously dozens of films I haven't seen yet, but I've seen practically every film released through July. As well as, mostly every film worth watching released after July. I will start off with the overrated films.

5. Paranormal Activity 2 (C-)
This wasn't a terrible horror film, it was just a huge letdown for me. It's practically a rip-off of the original, with a dog that barks for half the film and a baby.

4. Daybreakers (D+)
The final scene in this film is one of the most idiotic scenes of all-time. Basically, a bunch of Vampires eat and rape each other in a blood orgy.

3. Iron Man 2 (C)
While Downey Jr. is adequate, the action is scarce and the laughs never arrive. The CGI is lazy and the dialogue was forgotten about.

2. Ondine (D+)
It's like the writer was happily in love while writing the beautiful first half and then become a drunken idiot who hates women. You wouldn't think a story about a mermaid would be more believable than what actually happens at the end.

1. Predators (D+)
I'm at a loss when it comes to figuring out what critics saw in this laughable Sci-Fi effort. Not for a single second is this film interesting or enjoyable.

5. Chloe (C+)
Definitely not an instant classic by any means but Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried are all fantastic. It's a very satisfying erotic thriller.

4. The Killer Inside Me (B-)
A lot of people don't enjoy movies when there's no one to root for. That's the case here. But Affleck's psychotic character is so interesting and complex. The ending is botched a bit, but it doesn't ruin anything.

3. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (C+)
This film is just a whole lot of fun with Jake G. leading the way. Give it a shot, it's worth your time.

2. Edge of Darkness (B)
I'm not exactly sure what more you could ask for in a revenge thriller. Mel Gibson has proven his worth once again. This one took me by surprise.

1. The Book of Eli (B+)
This is one of those films that gets better every time you see it. Denzel is a beast, there's no denying that. True love is blind.


  1. Loved "Chloe". Came home one night from work and the girlfriend rented this movie and I was very cautious to sit down and watch a film I have never heard about. Once I saw the cast, however, I was persuaded to give it a shot and boy I wasn't disappointed.


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