Repo Men (2010) R
1) The Brotherhood of the Serial Killer: Jude Law (Sherlock Holmes, The Talented Mr. Ripley) and Forrest Whitaker (Phone Booth, Street Kings) are repo men who have no conscience or soul. Remy (Law) and Jake (Whitaker) murder numerous people for their organs. Because in the future, people buy organs that they can't make payments on. Hearts, livers, kidneys, kneecaps, anything you can imagine and more. They enjoy it thoroughly. They are best friends who like to Tase each other and take out kidneys at family barbeque's. Remy's wife kicks him out because he murders people. Which didn't bother her for ten years. So the dudes bunk up at Jake's house. Things are going just fantastic until Remy has a heart attack on the job. He gets a fake new heart (uh oh, plot twist)!
2) Robot Love: So Remy is back in tip-top shape and ready to go back to work. But he's about to find out he doesn't have the grapes to do it anymore. So he flees and stops making payments on his heart. He meets a druggie singer/songwriter named Beth (Alice Braga) and they just hit it off! Still married Remy starts a relationship with Beth and soon finds out that virtually every piece of her is fake. She's practically a robot, which he's in to. They flee other repo men while he writes a novel on his free time. John Leguizamo (Ice Age, Empire) makes an appearance in the middle of the film, which is nice. RZA (American Gangster) has a nice scene in the film, as well.
3) The Quest: After everyone is unsuccessful at killing Remy, Liev Schreiber (Defiance, The Omen) sends Jake out to take care of business. Remy and Beth are now on a quest to clear their names from the system. Can they defeat Jake and end their quest for freedom? The ending is a rip-off, as I stated before which ruined this film for me. It's runs a little long for this genre at 111 minutes. There are a few fun scenes and some decent music, but I just can't recommend this film. Possibly worth a peak if you enjoy blood and lots of it.
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