Harry Brown (2010) R

Michael Caine (The Dark Knight, Children of Men) plays the title character Harry Brown. He's a lonely old ex-marine who just lost his wife to cancer. His only friend left at his age, is Leonard (David Bradley). They often play chess at the local pub. The streets of London are infested with thugs, dealers, and heroine addicts. Everyday someone gets stabbed, shot, assaulted, or raped near their homes. One day, Leonard decides to send these kids a message. He goes to their local hangout and threatens them with a sword (of all things). The gang manages to take the sword from him. They stomp on him for a good minute. They then stab him several times in the back and stomach. For good measure, they urinate on his dead body. These monsters are not well upstairs.

Inspector Alice Frampton (Emily Mortimer) and detective Terry Hicock (Charlie Creed-Miles) arrive at Harry's apartment and give him the shocking news. They apprehend the hoodlums who did it and interrogate them. They are released not long after, because of lack of evidence. Angry and lonely, Harry gets inebriated (drunk) at the local pub. While walking home alone in the dark, a crackhead pulls a knife on him. Harry, the ex-marine, fights him off and stabs him with his own knife. From that point on, Harry decides to take matters into his own hands.

One night, Harry follows a drug dealer to his hideout. He talks his way into to building and discovers that it's a drug plant. All he wanted from them was a gun (that couldn't be traced back to him). He makes conversation with these disgusting druggies. Tension is building between the three. Out of nowhere, Harry stabs one of them in the hand and shoots him in the head. He then shoots the other guy in the stomach, tracks him down and executes him. He then burns the place to the ground. This is just the beginning for Harry. He finds a good place to spy on the thugs and devices a plan to take them all out, one by one.

Inspector Frampton begins to suspect that Harry is the vigilante. Everyone thinks she's insane and they're dropped from the case. Things aren't what they seem, when Harry finds out who's behind the whole operation.

This is an average revenge thriller, despite a good performance from Caine. Mortimer (Shutter Island, City Island) is a familiar face, but she seems disinterested. There is some decent bloodshed throughout and a decent little storyline, but the payoff is weak and the acting is sub-par. Director Daniel Barber (his feature film debut) puts together a few intense scenes, a couple good shootouts, and an intriguing open. However, I just can't recommend this film. If films like these intrigue you, than check out Edge of Darkness.


  1. Just checked out this flick last night and I agree with your blog. If people are looking for some blood and gore then this film will surprise you. I knew it was going to become a vigilante movie, but I didn't expect the bloodshed to be so vivid. A couple scenes made you say, "Jesus...are they really showing this?" However, not much acting or a script to this movie. It was definitely targeting the blood happy audience. I liked it simply for the blood, but if that wasn't there than I would have burned this movie.

  2. I thought there were 2 or 3 good scenes, but other than that it was pretty much just garbage.

  3. Thanks for sharing this with us! Some really amazing features.
    Jack Harries Girlfriend


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