Top 100 Films of the Decade (60-51)
60. (500) Days of Summer (2009) - Directed by Marc Webb. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel.
Gordon-Levitt has become a fine actor. This is one of the best love stories of our time.

Gordon-Levitt has become a fine actor. This is one of the best love stories of our time.
59. Spider-Man (2002) - Directed by Sam Raimi. Starring Tobey Maguire.
BONESAW!!! This is a fantastic superhero film. Maguire may not be Christian Bale, but these films are still great.
58. Lord of War (2005) - Directed by Andrew Niccol. Starring Nicolas Cage.
An almost unbelievable true story with a phenomenal performance by Cage.
57. Bad Santa (2003) - Directed by Terry Zwigoff. Starring Billy Bob Thornton.
Who thought Thornton could be so funny? The best Christmas film ever, in my opinion.
56. Napoleon Dynamite (2004) - Directed by Jared Hess. Starring Jon Heder.
Nobody saw this film coming. Although Heder is one demonsional, this is the role he was born to play.
55. The Wrestler (2008) - Directed by Darren Aronofsky. Starring Mickey Rourke.
Rourke rejuvinated his career with this dark wrestling flick. This is a great film.
54. Knocked Up (2007) - Directed by Judd Apatow. Starring Seth Rogen.
Apatow rules. The End.
53. Revolutionary Road (2008) - Directed by Sam Mendes. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet.
This film is painful and heartwrenching. Fantastic performances by Leo and Kate as usual.
52. Crash (2004) - Directed by Paul Haggis. Starring Don Cheadle.
A great cast and a roller coaster ride.
51. Meet the Parents (2000) - Directed by Jay Roach. Starring Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro.
Such wonderful writing and wonderful performances. It will soon become a trilogy, how 'bout that.
The Wrestler
Lord of War
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