The Square (2010) R
So on Christmas Eve, Carla takes the money and Ray hires Billy (Joel Edgerton) to burn the house down. The house is supposed to be empty for a few hours. Greg will never know the money was stolen. What they didn't plan on was Greg's mother stopping by to feed the dog. Realizing this, Ray tries to call the whole thing off, but is unsuccessful. She falls asleep inside the house and the place goes up in flames. All three become murderers. Billy is absolutely irate over the situation. Inside the burnt house, Greg finds the money bag intact but empty. He believes one of his accomplices stole it.
Despite the hiccup, Ray and Carla still wish to runaway. But Ray begins to get letters in the mail claiming that they know about everything. Ray suspects one of his co-workers of sending the letters. and goes to his house to try and find a clue. The man finds Ray spying and chases him all the way to the construction site they both work at. After an argument Ray accidentally kills the man. He buries his body in a large square. However, the letters continue to come in the mail. Greg begins to suspect Carla stole the money. Billy wants the money that Ray owes him and will do anything to get it. The police and fellow co-workers begin to see a change in Ray. Who's sending the letters? Did Greg know about the affair? Are the police involved? Is Carla who she seems?
There are a lot of questions along the way. You just aren't sure how it's all going to end. There are three or four plot twists that will have your jaw on the floor. The ending is gripping and suspenseful. It's amazing what seemingly normal people will do for love and money. They go to extreme lengths to get what they want. As soon as one person dies, the floodgates are opened. There are fantastic performances from everyone here. Don't let the Australian accents keep you away. I can't wait to see what the Edgerton brothers come up with next. See this film!
I checked this film out after reading your review and I thought it was pretty decent. However, I didn't think there was much to the story line or acting/dialog for that matter. I enjoyed being on the "edge of my seat" on numerous scenes, but it seemed like there were one too many of the "Oh, the truth comes out!!! Wait he catches another break" moments for my taste. Would I recommend it to someone? Yeah, probobaly.
ReplyDeleteI thought the storyline started out simple but as things unfolded, it got very complex. The acting is what it is, because of the Australian accents.